Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Women Lead, and HOW!"

Monday night 28 women gathered at the Mississippi Ballroom in North Portland for dialogue, connection, and tasty desserts. There were many familiar faces from the Convergence gathering at Edgefield as well as many new faces. Some even traveled from Seattle, Puyallup, and St. Paul (near Salem) to be among us.

The group was made up of Friends(Quakers), Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists, Charismatics, a woman leading a church plant which meets on the street, an assortment from various sorts of emerging churches (that term is awkward), women who lead house churches, several church planters, ordained women, lay leaders, counselors, moms, a midwife, a chaplain, and two sets of mother-daughter duos.

To start the evening off we each took a turn introducing our self and listening to the others by passing around the talking stick. I appreciated how this symbol reminded us of the value of each person and the way that we honor each other by listening. We then centered our hearts through the singing of two songs led by Mimi and Angie.

We heard from Stephanie Pieh of the Oregon Center for Christian Values on the issue of short-term, high interest loans that target and oppress the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. She had cards for us to fill out in order to send a message to our local representatives. This issue was not on my radar until Monday night and I was glad to be informed and provided with an immediate opportunity to act on behalf of the least of these.

We then gathered around tables in groups of five for dessert and to talk about the ways in which we need encouragement and can offer encouragement to other women in leadership. We also weighed in whether or not we would like to see a Convergence gathering take place in the fall. These thoughts were written down and collected by the three women who organized the event -Debra, AJ, and Kelly. I presume we will be hearing from them in the future about what kinds of common themes/ideas emerged.

A very cool element of the evening was something called “the fish bowl.” Kelli and Debra read two quotes from two books to stimulate our thinking and then four women were nominated to sit in a circle of five chairs within the large circle where everyone else was seated. One chair in the inner circle was intentionally left empty.

The four women began the conversation. When someone in the outer circle wanted to contribute to the conversation, she moved into the empty chair in the inner circle and one of the four women would graciously remove herself. It was a great way to listen in on a conversation as well as participate in it.

Kelly, AJ, and Debra did a beautiful job planning and facilitating our time. I was struck by their ability to introduce and close each segment so eloquently. It was a very good night. I was blessed to be in the presence of so many women who are leading in such wonderfully varied ways.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Converging Bloggers

A number of Convergence attendees have blogs of their own: check out their writings!

Aj Schwanz (
Amy Carrigan (
Cheryl Davenport (
Emerging Women (
Erin Word (
Julie Clawson (
Karlene Clark (
Marta Sears (
Nadia Bolz-Weber (
Paula Pitzler (
Rachael Kenoyer (;
Rachel Stanton (

Additional writings:
Bob Carlton: Find the Women & Follow Them
Rachel Stanton: My Convergence Experience

We've Converged!

Greetings to all!

What a wonderful, life-giving weekend we experienced! It's so nice to connect with you all, putting names and faces (or blog addresses and faces, or email addresses and faces) together. :)

Soon we'll be sending out the exit survey. If you could fill that out, we'd greatly appreciate it: it will help us discern how the gathering went as well as what to consider for the future.

We want to continue to use this space to gather; connect; converse; converge. Marta Sears has graciously offered to help me administer the blog. She would like to allow folks to join the "team" and be able to write their own posts rather than only being able to comment. We're slowly working on the details. If you are interested in being able to post, leave a message in the comments: I can pull your contact information off of the registration contact material (which will be sent out to you soon as well).

Blessings to you all in your days!

Ps. The contact form on the NW Emerging Women Leaders website still works: feel free to use it if it would be helpful.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Amazing Converging Women!

Are you coming to Convergence? In some "preconference spirit", let's get this ball rolling by sharing a little bit about ourselves. Leave a comment with whatever you'd like to let folks know about you!

I know we're all looking forward to gathering this weekend. Blessings to you all!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Need a roommate?

Would you like to have a roommate while staying at Edgefield but don't know anyone else who is attending? Feel free to leave your requests in the comments.

Need a ride?

Do you need a ride or can you offer a ride to folks who are heading to Troutdale for our gathering? Leave your contact info in the comments.

We're gearing up for Convergence!

January's here, and the facilitators of Convergence are getting excited about our January 26th-28th gathering at Edgefield Manor in Troutdale, OR. This blog is a place to post requests for rides or roommates: simply leave requests and contact information in the comments.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through the Convergence contact form.